Will France Profit from the Olympic Games Effect ?

Hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games can bring significant economic benefits to a host city: a boost to GDP, new construction/improvements (venues and accommodation, transport), job creation, an uplift in tourism and associated revenues, an enhanced global profile, to name a few. But how long does the impact last?

For France, the positive impact began in the construction sector back in 2020 when the construction of Olympic structures increased activity in the sector.

In 2024, the positive impact is expected to be fully reflected in the third quarter – with an estimated 0.25 pp increase in GDP linked to ticket sales and broadcasting rights (which are recorded during the quarter rather than at time of sale).

But will the impact endure to the end of the year. If previous Games can serve as a reliable point of reference, the outlook in this aspect, may not be so rosy. A “backlash” of similar magnitude is expected in the fourth quarter.

To discover more, Hadrien Camatte explores the likely impact of the Paris 2024 games on the French economy in his latest report:

Groupe BPCE and its companies acted as a premium partner of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, to discover related content, visit: