2020 INFRADAY - 9th Edition

Natixis has the pleasure to announce its 9th Natixis INFRADAY, which this year will take place in a digital format due to Covid-19 constraints.  Holding this event digitally, however, enables us to benefit from the presence of speakers and attendees from all over the globe, without adding to our carbon footprint.

As such, this digital format reflects mega trends that we will be discussing during our panels: technological breakthrough, social changes and the increased importance of the green agenda, all against the backdrop of Covid-19… These are huge changes, which are leading to new types of infrastructure projects in all industries.

Our first-rate panelists, coming from a range of backgrounds, are looking forward to setting out their views on these trends and debate with you through dedicated chats, while you can also enjoy digital networking and participate in one on one sessions or the general live chat.  

Discover the worldwide program of this particular day

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