Danone: Natixis wins The Banker award

Natixis has carried off The Banker magazine’s Deal of the Year for the Danone Social bond issue. The first ever Social bond issued by a corporate.
The award recognizes Natixis’ innovation capabilities and its ability to develop Green & Sustainable Financing solutions and Debt Capital Markets solutions suited to its clients’ needs. It is based on a range of criteria such as the deal’s complexity, execution speed, pricing, etc.
It also confirms the company’s position as a key bank in the sector, after it was named Most Innovative Investment Bank for Climate Change & Sustainability by The Banker, and also Best Credit Research Green Bonds/ESG in the Euromoney Fixed Income survey. Natixis is also a member of the French Observatory for Corporate Social Responsibility (ORSE) and as such participates in the work of the ORSE Finance Club.
Natixis acted as active bookrunner in the 7-year €300m maiden bond issue, complying with the Social Bond Principles published by the International Capital Markets Association in June 2017, aimed at financing and refinancing projects with positive social outcomes.